Archive | AWS

Aqua: Easy API Gateway creation

Last month I wrote about the installation script I built for Igor, but as I started writing more Lambda functions recently I realized that I needed that same functionality in a more easily accessible way. So I created Aqua to do this for me.

Setting up Lambda and a gateway through the CLI

When I set up Igor in Lambda for the first time, I mostly followed the directions as provided in a Lambda template. This template has a description of all the steps that need to be taken, but to be honest it's a bit unwieldy. So I created a script to do this for me.

Looking at Cloudformation Designer

Recently AWS introduced their CloudFormation Designer tool. Part of CloudFormation, this Designer allows you to visually design and edit your templates. In this article I try to show you how you can use the tool and fit it into your workflow.

Increasing the size of a root EBS volume

Sometimes the default size for your root volume in an EC2 instance isn't good enough. As there is no clear documentation on the best way to do this for CloudFormation managed instances, I'm describing my methods for increasing the size here.

Personal access to your servers

This article describes setting up a single security group with cloudformation that you can use to ensure you can easily gain access to your servers wherever you are. And as a bonus it describes how you can update the parameters of your stack from the command line without needing access to its template.

Changes to my setup

Over the Christmas break I made some time to implement changes to my AWS setup that I've been thinking of. As this invalidates some of the things I've written about in other articles I felt I should point them out here as well.

Setting up SSL for an ELB

Enabling SSL on an Elastic Load Balancer in AWS is fairly straightforward and well documented, but that’s only one part of the whole process. When I needed to set it up again last week I figured that this time I would document the entire thing, from getting the keys to incorporating it into a CloudFormation template.

The first babysteps with CloudFormation

When it comes to creating an infrastructure in AWS, CloudFormation is a great tool. You can use it to manage your entire infrastructure, from the initial setup to any updates and removing it all again. This article will guide you through these first steps.

Introduction to the AWS CLI

As I'll be writing a number of articles about AWS in the future, I figured it would be a good idea to first introduce the basics. This article will therefore introduce the AWS API, and guide you through setting it up for your own use.