Think of the Children

Apple was commanded by a court to provide a way for breaking into an iPhone. This doesn't make me happy, so this post serves as a way to clear my mind and calm down about it.

Week 7, 2016

A huge scientific discovery concerning gravitational waves and zombie clauses in terms and conditions are the main points of the week, but we round it out with a couple of smaller things.

Week 6, 2016

A major update for Docker and Apple has once again managed to rile up the media with something that according to some is either a feature, a bug, or a step in their evil plan towards world domination.

Day One, future proofing, and workflows

After a long time of hinting at it, yesterday a new version of Day One was released bearing the wonderful name Day One 2. There are a couple of major changes to the way this works compared to the old version that influence how I use it.

Deploying a static site to GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages works differently based on how you set it up. As several people have asked me for help when they ran into issues with deploying the site they generated using my Hugo Wercker step, this article will serve as a place to point them to.

Week 4, 2016

It's that exciting time again where the big tech companies announce their earnings. I'm sure everyone wants to know those results and read how that means Apple is doomed again, Amazon keeps everyone happy by not making any money, and Google and Facebook sell more ads on mobile than ever before. As it happens, I really don't care about it all so I won't be writing about it.

Week 50, 2015

It was a major week for programming languages as a couple of big things happened. There was the PHP 7 release, and Swift's anticipated release as an open source project happened. Additionally, Let's Encrypt came out of beta

Week 49, 2015

The Weekly Notes, bringing you a short commentary about the tech world. This week, my own Hugo Wercker build step, the Raspberry Pi Zero, and some thoughts about certification.