Bitbucket Pipelines, a first look

Pipelines seems to be almost as popular as machine learning right now and earlier this week Atlassian announced that Bitbucket now has them built in as well. Or rather, it's in beta. Naturally, I was interested so I decided to take it for a spin. This article shows how I set it up for one of my existing projects, and I'll go into the good parts and the limitations.

Automating Lambda Deployment Using Wercker

While Aqua neatly makes the initial setup for my Lambda functions easier, that still left me with the deployments. In order to deal with that, I therefore made a simple deployment step for Wercker. I'll first go over how to use it, before showing how it works.

Aqua: Easy API Gateway creation

Last month I wrote about the installation script I built for Igor, but as I started writing more Lambda functions recently I realized that I needed that same functionality in a more easily accessible way. So I created Aqua to do this for me.