Archive | AWS

Managing Your Instance Sessions

This is the second entry in a series of three posts about accessing your EC2 instances. The first entry concerned EC2 Instance Connect, and in this post I’ll discuss the awkwardly named AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

As promised previously, this is the continuation of my series of posts about connecting to your EC2 instances on the CMD Solutions blog. You can read the first one here.

Connecting with EC2 Instance Connect

Many of us have probably built tools that allow someone to use their own SSH key to access a server; I know I have. Instance Connect is the AWS solution for this. It lets you upload a temporary key to an instance and then immediately connect to it. And for two of the options, you don’t even need to use your own key.

This is my first post on the CMD blog and is the first in a series of three concerned with connecting safely to an EC2 instance. In this first post I dive into the new-ish EC2 Instance Connect.

CMD Solutions is the AWS focused brand within Mantel Group, which DigIO (my employer) is also a part of. Because of my status as AWS APN Ambassador, I represent CMD as well. Which also means that for some of my blogposts1, those focused on some small part of AWS for example, CMD is the better outlet. This is a good example of that.

  1. At least those that I write as a representive of my company. Obviously, the best place for anything I write is right here ;). ↩︎

Racing towards Intelligent Automation

Working closely with our clients, we occasionally have the opportunity to do something a little bit outside of the norm. In this post, we (Declan and Arjen) were lucky enough to help out Belong with a fun learning event.

Last month my colleague and I got to run a DeepRacer event at the client we’re working at. This post shows what that was like, how we did it, and what lessons we learned.

CloudFormation Macros: Transform Your Templates

Last month I was lucky enough to be asked back to give a workshop at the Melbourne AWS Programming and Tools Meetup. This meetup is always a lot of fun as it's all about going hands on. My subject this time around was CloudFormation Macros.

Managing Your EKS Traffic With App Mesh

AWS App Mesh is a managed service mesh from AWS. While announced at re:Invent 2018, it only became generally available at the end of March. In this post, I aim to give an overview of the service and how it works with EKS. I’ll also highlight some differences with Istio and give a step-by-step walkthrough to make it work with an application.

Recently I had some time to play around with AWS App Mesh and, as expected, decided to write up the experience. This also marks my first blog post at DigIO which I’m quite happy about.


In lieu of a single weekly note, I will be writing several articles to catch up with some of the events from re:Invent. Chris helped out last week with his post about the DynamoDB changes, and today I will start my write-ups with the coolest new toy: DeepRacer.

Serverless Databases after re:Invent

That’s a wrap for re:Invent 2018! Whilst Arjen will no doubt be providing us with the low down on all things containers in due course, I’ve hijacked his excellent blog to bring you a short guest post on serverless database news.

Space Containers

In October I gave a Serverless Containers Deep Dive talk at several events, which focused on AWS Fargate. This article is a written version of these presentations, and also contains the recording of when I repeated this talk at the Melbourne AWS User Group.

Serverless Bastions on Demand

Fargate bastions allow you to spin up a bastion host only when you need it and tear it down afterwards. All using AWS serverless technologies, which means that you don't pay anything for them unless you actively use it.

Introduction - Don't Ignore the AWS CLI

About two years ago, while waiting for my visa to come through, I started writing a book about the AWS CLI. I did a fair bit of writing on it, but life happened, and I forgot about it until recently. I've decided to finish the writing and start posting it here.