Week 39, 2016 - Homebrew; Allo; CloudFormation
Homebrew released version 1, Allo is available, and CloudFormation got some much needed love for usability.
Homebrew released version 1, Allo is available, and CloudFormation got some much needed love for usability.
This past week mostly looked to me as a lot more talk about the iPhone 7 and iOS 10 reviews, but there were a couple of unrelated software releases that interest me.
With Apple's announcements last week, I doubt anyone will be surprised that's going to be my main topic. Additionally though, there was the announcement of the new PS4 Pro.
A quiet week for tech news, but there were various pieces of Android related bad news, and I'll want to mention Apple's tax issues.
When using Docker containers to trigger Ansible configuration, you can run into an issue regarding Docker's virtual filesystem and SSH sockets. This shows how I worked around that problem.
The latest and greatest version of Android was released, and it has some interesting features. In the meantime, Rackspace was acquired and several things that I use have shut down or will/might be.
While following my own steps for resizing an EBS volume, I discovered that Redhat-based systems require more.
Go 1.7 was released, Intel will be making ARM chips and announces VR gear, and Microsoft open sources Powershell for release on Linux and the Mac.
Because Redhat-based OSes are slightly different from Debian-based ones, I ran into some issues provisioning an AMI with Ansible and Packer. This article is to ensure I can find the solution quickly in the future.
Apple announces a bounty program while AWS announced a bunch of new and interesting features.
Improvements and changes to password managers as well as a new way to keep up to date with Docker news.
AWS has released a serverless framework, Docker released version 1.12, and Google shows of its machine learning capabilities with energy efficiency.
LambCI is a CI tool running on Lambda, and Facebook announced OpenCellular.
Google's educational efforts and the underlying Cast functionality, etcd3 and its switch to using gRPC, and AWS opens up its Mumbai region which makes me go on a slight tangent about the differences between regions.
Dockercon is over, but it brought a lot of really interesting things that I'm taking a look at today. I can't cover everything in this short note though, so I recommend that you take a look at the Docker blog for anything else. I'll also take a brief look at Chef's new Habitat tool.