Enabling SSL on an Elastic Load Balancer in AWS is fairly straightforward and well documented, but that’s only one part of the whole process. When I needed to set it up again last week I figured that this time I would document the entire thing, from getting the keys to incorporating it into a CloudFormation template.
AWS ACM certificate
The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) offers free SSL certificates for use with Cloudfront and ELB instances in the us-east-1 region. Using the CLI, you can use the below command to request it1.
aws acm request-certificate --domain-name www.arjen.eu --domain-validation-options DomainName=www.arjen.eu,ValidationDomain=arjen.eu
This example requests a certificate for my www.arjen.eu domain, while requesting that the validation emails are sent to @arjen.eu email addresses. This means that AWS will send validation emails to the domain registrant, technical contact, and administrative contact in WHOIS as well as the following five addresses:
You will have to click the link in one of these emails to enable the certificate. This is required for being able to use the certificate, so don’t apply the changes to your CloudFormation template until this has been done.
For the CloudFormation template you require the ARN of the certificate. When running the request-certificate
command this was present in the output, but you can also run the list-certificates command to get an overview of all your certificates and their ARN.
aws acm list-certificates
Third party certificates
Alternatively, for example if your ELB is in an unsupported region, you can get your SSL certificate from a third party certificate provider. This is a bit more work than using the ACM, and if you use ACM you can skip ahead to the CloudFormation section.
Step 1: Get the required keys and certificates
Depending on your certificate provider2 this requires some steps including filling out all the details you need and possibly clicking on a confirmation link in an email. It’s a fairly boring process to be honest.
You’ll end up with several keys and certificates, 3 of which you’ll need:
- the SSL certificate,
- your private key,
- and a root or CA key
This last one is optional, but if your provider offers it you should add it.
AWS demands that everything is PEM encoded. Depending on the process, your private key might not be PEM encoded but this is solved by running a simple command:
openssl rsa -in privatekey.key -outform PEM -out privatekey.pem
This command takes the key named privatekey.key
and transforms a copy of it into a pem encoded key named privatekey.pem
Step 2: Register the certificate at AWS
Next up is registering the certificate at AWS so you can use it. All this involves is uploading it to your AWS account as shown in the documentation . This can be done using the AWS Console, but of course I prefer to use the CLI.
With all 3 files in a single directory we run the following command:
aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name “ignoreme-2014-12-03-2016-12-03” --certificate-body file://certificate.pem --private-key file://privatekey.pem --certificate-chain file://rootca.pem --profile demo
Let’s break this command down into parts to explain it.
aws iam upload-server-certificate
is the actual command being run. The certificates fall under IAM, and the name of the command is clear.
--server-certificate-name “ignoreme-2014-12-03-2016-12-03”
, here you define the name of the certificate. How you name it is up to you, but do yourself a favour and use clear names. In this case I chose a name that tells me it is a 2 year certificate for this site.
--certificate-body file://certificate.pem --private-key file://privatekey.pem --certificate-chain file://rootca.pem
are all parameters that provide the location of the documents that need to be uploaded.
--profile demo
I’ve mentioned in other articles. This is to tell AWS that we’re using the profile configured with the name demo.
After running this command the output will contain the ARN of the certificate. You will need this for the CloudFormation template.
Add the certificate to the CloudFormation template
As explained in my babysteps article I use a DSL for CloudFormation templates. That is why the below examples are written in ruby. To keep it brief I’m also only showing the relevant sections.
There are two parts to this, first you need to make sure that your ELB can be accessed on port 443 as that is the default port for SSL connections. We do this by adding an additional SecurityGroupIngress
value for the SecurityGroup.
Resource("ElbSecurityGroup") {
Type "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
Property("SecurityGroupIngress", [
{"IpProtocol" => "tcp", "FromPort" => "80", "ToPort" => "80", "CidrIp" => ""},
{"IpProtocol" => "tcp", "FromPort" => "443", "ToPort" => "443", "CidrIp" => ""}
Property("SecurityGroupEgress", [{"IpProtocol" => "tcp", "FromPort" => "80", "ToPort" => "80", "CidrIp" => ""}])
The line {"IpProtocol" => "tcp", "FromPort" => "443", "ToPort" => "443", "CidrIp" => “”}
ensures that the whole world can reach the ELB over port 443. As you can see, I don’t add the same to the SecurityGroupEgress
as we’re not going to communicate with the EC2 instances over port 443 but leave that communication insecure. While technically it is possible to add the SSL certificate to the instances as well this generally isn’t necessary.
Resource( "ElasticLoadBalancer") {
Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer"
Property("SecurityGroups", [Ref("ElbSecurityGroup")])
Property("Listeners" , [{
"LoadBalancerPort" => "80",
"InstancePort" => "80",
"Protocol" => "HTTP"
"LoadBalancerPort" => "443",
"InstancePort" => "80",
"Protocol" => "HTTPS",
"SSLCertificateId" => "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:server-certificate/ignoreme-2014-12-03-2016-12-03"
In this snippet you will notice that just allowing access through the SecurityGroup isn’t enough and we need to make the ELB listen to port 443 as well. Looking at the second listener you can see how we configure it to connect to port 80 on the EC2 instances for anything that comes in on port 443.
The protocol is set to HTTPS as well (the default for port 443), and that means that the SSLCertificateId
value is required. You have to provide this, or your CloudFormation template won’t validate. You fill in the ARN that was returned when you ran the command earlier or look up an existing one with aws iam list-server-certificates
And that’s it. I can now deploy this CloudFormation template and in two years I can go through the same steps and update the CloudFormation stack with the new CertificateId to ensure the servers have a valid certificate.
My initial impressions and a walkthrough of requesting a certificate through the Console can be found in this article. ↩︎
Let’s Encrypt is a service that provides free short-term SSL certificates. The service is designed to be automated, so you can write your own scripts to do so. ↩︎
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