Managing Your EKS Traffic With App Mesh

AWS App Mesh is a managed service mesh from AWS. While announced at re:Invent 2018, it only became generally available at the end of March. In this post, I aim to give an overview of the service and how it works with EKS. I’ll also highlight some differences with Istio and give a step-by-step walkthrough to make it work with an application.

Recently I had some time to play around with AWS App Mesh and, as expected, decided to write up the experience. This also marks my first blog post at DigIO which I’m quite happy about.

GitHub Actions - Awesome Automation

In October, GitHub announced GitHub Actions, their upcoming integrated solution for running automation triggered by things you do on GitHub. I would call it CI/CD, but that's only part of what it can do. I've had beta access for about 2 months now, but didn't really play around with it until around the Christmas period.