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Presso-Driven Development

Last Thursday I gave a presentation at the Melbourne Golang meetup. In this presentation, I had a slide that contained a warning about “Presso-Driven Development”. Presso-Driven Development, or PDD, is a term I use to explain how some of my code comes into being. To make my life easier, and see how it fares in the wider world, I figured it’s time to put a proper definition out there.

Starting a new job at a new company, sort of

Yesterday I was a Lead Platform Engineer at DigIO, but today I am a Principal Consultant at CMD Solutions. So, if I actually had business cards they would show I’ve got a new title and work at a different company. Which is sort of true, but also very much not.

AWS Inside the Region

During Andy Jassy's keynote at re:Invent he spent an entire section talking about several new products that would extend AWS 'Beyond the Region'. While this will no doubt give some more options, the main way we'll all be running our AWS services is still going to be within a Region. So let's have a look at how these evolved over time.

re:Invent 2018 - One Year Later

With re:Invent less than a week out, I figured it was a good time to see how last year's re:Invent held up. After all, every year we get wowed with all the new services and features that are announced, but how long does it take until we can use those? In fact, it's a year later now, but can we actually use everything that was promised?

Bulletproof at Container Camp 2018

On May 23, the second iteration in Australia of the Container Camp conference started and this year Bulletproof was a sponsor. Conferences like this always give a good indication of where the market is, and especially to see where it’s going.