Archive | Golang

aws-sdk-go-v2 is finally GA

I wrote about version 2 of the Go SDK for AWS over 3 years ago. At the time it was just available in beta/preview mode and I expected it to become GA a bit quicker than it did. But now it's finally here!

Go-ing Lambda

With the release of the Go runtime for AWS Lambda, I took the opportunity to convert some of my code to run natively instead of through wrappers.

A Dive Into Packer

Recently I had the opportunity to add a major feature to the Azure builder in Packer. This article is a written version of a presentation I gave about this at the Golang Melbourne meetup and is aimed at looking at the technical parts of that feature and how a builder actually works within Packer.

A Look at Igor's Internals

Over the past couple of weeks I've written several articles about the things that support Igor, from deployments to installation, but I haven't written much about how it actually works yet. This article aims to rectify that.

/igor introduce yourself

For the Golang Hackday in Melbourne I gave a short presentation about Igor, my Slack bot written in Go and running on AWS Lambda. The presentation was partially aimed at beginners of Go.

Publishing Go binaries with Wercker

For Igor I wanted to make sure that there is always a compiled, and up to date, binary ready for download. The obvious way for me to do this was using Wercker, but this turned out to be a bit more work than I expected, so I'm documenting it here.

Starting with Golang

The first weekly update for my month of Golang. I'll start this out with various resources I used to get up to speed with the language, before I'll move on to idea behind the structure for the Bugsnag SDK and how this is progressing.

Monthly project: Golang

In an attempt to stop my mind from constantly jumping to the next interesting thing I encounter, I decided to start doing monthly research projects. I'm starting this with something that has been on my list for quite a while now, learning the language Go (or Golang as it's often called).